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Marcia came to the CBHEC Diabetes Education program in March 2013 by referral from her doctor. When she was a baby, Marcia was diagnosed with an eye disease that causes swelling of the retina, and she became legally blind at an early age. She has had diabetes for 24 years, but it wasn't until Marcia began working with the CBHEC Diabetes Education program that she has taken control of her A1C levels. By following her meal plan and exercising, she has lost over 50 pounds in just a year and has maintained a healthy A1C level. We commend her perseverance despite her circumstances.

"I was so scared to lose limbs or get on dialysis that I had to change my lifestyle," Marcia said. "I already lost my eyesight, I didn't want to lose anything else."

"The most impacting part of the class was the exercise video that made me realize how exercise could drop my blood glucose so quickly. I also learned how to eat and how much to eat. If I could speak to a new patient that is scared, confused or sad about this program, I would tell them that you can still live a normal life, just a different lifestyle."